Many federal investigations began with a warning shot from the government, which comes in the form of a grand jury subpoena or a target letter. Competent representation at this stage of the investigation is crucial, and often results in a more favorable outcome. Of particular significance is the decision of whether or not to cooperate with the prosecution at this stage, or to make clear an intention to contest any potential charges.
Grand Jury Subpoenas
The federal grand jury is a powerful weapon possessed by the U.S. Attorney's Office. Unlike a state prosecutor, a federal prosecutor can compel witnesses to appear before them, testify, and produce documents as part of their investigation and before a charge has ever been filed. And if you don't comply with the subpoena, or if you destroy evidence, you may be committing another criminal offense such as contempt or obstruction of justice by failing to comply with the grand jury subpoena.
Additionally, receiving a grand jury subpoena means that you may be suspected of involvement with the criminal activity being investigated, which brings with it an entire set of questions regarding how to respond to the investigation.
The grand jury will ultimately make the decision whether or not to charge an individual with the crime. But, as the saying goes, the grand jury would indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor asked them to. To make matters worse, the public has no right to know what happens at these proceedings as they closed off and conducted entirely in secret.
An experienced criminal defense attorney can advise you on how to react to the investigation, including whether there may be steps to take to avoid being charged with a crime, and whether you might be able to claim a Fifth Amendment privilege, or even immunity, with respect to testifying or producing documents.
We encourage you to review some of our recent representative cases or speak to one of our attorneys to find out more.
Target Letters
If you have received a target letter, this means that the federal government is very likely planning to charge you with a federal criminal offense. It could cause serious consequences at this stage to simply call the prosecutor or agent listed on the letter, as any statements you make can, and likely will, be used against you.
A criminal defense attorney has the ability to reach out on your behalf, without the risk that a statement will be turned against you. Additionally, if you have received one of these letters, it likely means you need criminal representation as quickly as possible.
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